Life is An Adventure!
THE AMERICAN ADVENTURE was started by explorers. It was carried on by settlers. It was defended by soldiers and tilled by farmers. It was taken from an idea to a real and wonderful place stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Canada to Mexico. Now it is yours, and you should carry on the adventure with enthusiasm worthy of our great nation.
THE OUTDOOR ADVENTURE will teach you important things about life and living it. Nothing beats waking up in a tent you pitched yourself, then sitting down to a breakfast cooked on an open fire in God’s great outdoors. The wilderness will challenge you, and sometimes it will throw you a curve, but it will also be your home. When you learn how to live in it, good times lay ahead that you will never forget. Whether you walk the misty pines of Maine, cross the open prairies of Kansas, wade the wild surf of Florida, or admire the blue sky of Montana, it will be your heritage to enjoy and protect.
THE SPIRITUAL ADVENTURE is the greatest one, and it’s the one that never ends. As a baby, you were the center of your own small universe. Then one day you realized the faces over you were other people with thoughts and feelings just like yours. No longer were you alone! The greatest discovery of all is to realize that you were never truly alone. As night falls in your camp and you see the vast starry sky above you, take a moment to consider that the wise and loving God Who made it also wants to live in your heart. The Lord gave you a lifetime in this world of beauty and wonder. Make every day worthwhile, using your opportunities well and seeking to know and do His will.
What can be better than sharing the adventure with other like-minded boys who will help you each step of the way? In this Troop you’ll find great friends who appreciate the blessings of God, the greatness of America, the boy you are today, and the man you will be tomorrow. Some of these boys will be friends for life, but all of them will live on the happy memories you make.
Well, what are you waiting for?
Trail Life USA is a unique youth program set to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God. Lead with integrity, serve others, and experience the outdoor adventure. From Kindergarten to age 25, Trail Life USA offers a life of adventure, character building and leadership.
Woodlands Trail – Grades K-5
Navigators – Grades 6-8
Adventurers – Grades 9-12
Guidon – Ages 18-24
Trail Life USA is the new Christian-based alternative to the Boy Scouts of America. To learn more about Trail Life USA at Parkway, please email us using the button below or contact Parkway Church Office at 239-481-8080.